Second Annual Great Lakes Expo for Experimental and Formal Undergraduate Linguistics
The q Undergraduate Association for Linguistics at Michigan State (qUALMS) is proud to announce the second annual Great Lakes Expo for Experimental and Formal Undergraduate Linguistics (GLEEFUL) on April 21, 2012. GLEEFUL aims to bring together undergraduate linguists from across the continent to present high-quality research to their peers. Dr. David Pesetsky, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will be the keynote speaker.
The conference invites 1 page abstracts (500 words) for 10 minute presentations or posters from any area of linguistics. Abstract submission and registration will all be done electronically through the website, available through (via the ‘Submission’ link in the left navigation).
Deadline for submission of abstract: January 22, 2012. For further information, you can send an email to, or check out the GLEEFUL website.