Carol Figueroa, who recently graduated with a double major in linguistcs and computer science, will be starting a master’s in speech and language processing at the University of Edinburgh next year. Not too long ago, she sent this update to WHASC:

I completed my Linguistics degree last Spring. I stayed two extra quarters to complete my BA in Computer Science and have now graduated. I’m writing to share some good news: I have been accepted to the University of Edinburgh’s MSc in speech and language processing program. I was also accepted to Brandeis University’s MA program in computational linguistics, University of Washington’s MS in computational linguistic, and University of Southern California’s MS in computer science. Making my decision was tough. I had been dreaming about attending Brandeis’ program ever since Susan sent an email about the program when I was in my second or third year. Ultimately, I have decided to attend Edinburgh’s Speech and Language Processing program. I want to give a special thanks to Professor Matt Wagers, Professor Marilyn Walker, and Professor Linda Werner for writing all of my letters of recommendation.

After submitting her report, Carol sent us some more good news. She has just been hired as a Speech and Language Researcher for Amazon Lab 126. She writes that “this will help me save up money before moving to Scotland!”