Graduate students Bern Samko will defend her PhD dissertation this Wednesday (May 18). It is entitled “Syntax and information structure: The grammar of English inversions”:

The goal of this dissertation is to discern the patterns of interconnectedness between syntax and pragmatics by way of a close examination of participle preposing and VP preposing (VPP) in English. For the latter, I argue that what we call VPP is the accidental confluence of three independent components: verum focus, feature-driven movement to the left periphery, and, optionally, an intonational contour that contributes emphasis. In doing so, I bring together two analytic traditions that have rarely commented on one another: a syntactic tradition that has used VPP as a diagnostic tool rather than considering its properties sui generis, and a pragmatic one that has listed discourse effects without considering why those effects are associated with the particular form of VPP. I propose an analysis in which the familiar pragmatic G[ivenness] feature participates in the syntax as a driver of movement. This approach holds the promise of allowing a better understanding of why the properties of VPP cluster as they do, an understanding that goes beyond simply listing the relevant properties.

The defense will take place at 1:30 pm in Humanities 2 (Room 259).