Four undergraduates receive THI Fellowships

Four linguistics students have been awarded Undergraduate Research Fellowships from the Humanities Institute (THI):

  • Katie Arnold (“Nonnative perception of Italian consonant length contrast”)
  • Sam Beatty (“Sociophonetic study on pitch manipulation in transgender speakers”)
  • Josh Lieberstein (“Verbless clauses in Mayan K’iche’: A non-copular approach”)
  • Elliot Mcwhinnie (“Zooming in on the regional differences of African American Language in California)

In addition, Elliot was awarded the Bertha N. Melkonian Prize for the top undergraduate research proposal in the humanities.

These fellowships provide financial support for excellent undergraduate research projects. In addition, recipients will present their research at the Humanities Spring Awards ceremony in May. 

Congratulations, Elliot, Josh, Katie, and Sam!