Linguistics Students Recognized as 2024-2025 THI Undergraduate Research Fellows

The Humanities Institute (THI) at UC Santa Cruz has announced its 2024-2025 Undergraduate Research Fellows, with 40% of the fellowship awarded to Linguistics students. Among them, Linguistics major Elliot-Elyjah McWhinnie received the Bertha N. Melkonian Prize for submitting the top research proposal. 

Congratulations to the following Linguistics students on their outstanding projects:

  • Katherine Arnold, Linguistics and Applied Linguistics & Multilingualism  “Nonnative Perception of Italian Consonant Length Contrast”
  • Sam Beatty, Linguistics
    “Gendered voices and Transgender bodies: Where are we? What are we doing? And who are we talking to?”
  • Joshua Lieberstein, Linguistics
    “Verbless Clauses in Mayan K’ iche’: A non-copular approach”
  • Elliot-Elyjah Mcwhinnie, Linguistics
    “Zooming in on the regional differences of African American Language in California”