Lydia Werthen, who has just entered the department’s BA-MA program, travelled to Los Angeles a couple weeks ago to present a paper at the Southern California Undergraduate Linguistics Conference (SCULC), which took place at UCLA on Friday, April 2. Lydia presented on her ongoing work on what she calls wh-continuations (true in-situ wh-questions). She sent in this report on her travels:

The SCULC conference was a great experience overall, with many very interesting presentations! We had speakers from many parts of the world, including Canada and even Russia. Our faculty/keynote speaker was Robert Daland, who spoke about speech perception and loanwords — quite fascinating indeed. My presentation went smoothly and I just barely finished in the 12 minutes I was allotted, though I had to rush a bit towards the end. Although I think that the portion of my presentation on ellipsis and the Minimalist Program went over some heads, I really enjoyed the conference, and it was exciting to have this opportunity to present my research!