On Tuesday, June 2nd, Margaret Kroll successfully defended her dissertation, “Comprehending Ellipsis.” The virtual attendees participated in a lively question period with Margaret and her committee members, Matt Wagers (chair), Adrian Brasoveanu, Amanda Rysling, and Pranav Anand. The defense was followed by toasts to Margaret’s achievement by all who were gathered, lasting well into the night. Congratulations, Margaret!

Pictures of the defense and defender are included below, thanks to Matt Wagers and Kelsey Kraus (PhD ’18).

A selection of those gathered to view Margaret's defense.

A selection of those gathered to view Margaret’s defense, including Dr. Kroll herself (4,5), many UCSC faculty and grads, and other colleagues and family.

Dr. Kroll, immediately following her successful defense.

Dr. Kroll, immediately following her successful defense.

A dissertation cake for Dr. Kroll, "[untitled]", prepared by Kelsey Kraus (PhD '18). White cake with fresh cherry filling and cream cheese frosting, with fondant llama antecedent & ellipsis site.

A dissertation cake for Dr. Kroll, “[untitled]”, prepared by Kelsey Kraus (PhD ’18). White cake with fresh cherry filling and cream cheese frosting, with fondant llama antecedent & ellipsis site.


On Monday, June 8th, Steven Foley successfully defended his dissertation, “Case, agreement, and sentence processing in Georgian.” The virtual attendees enjoyed a spirited back-and-forth with Steven and his committee members, Matt Wagers (chair), Amanda Rysling, Maziar Toosarvandani, and Sandy Chung. The defense was followed by hearty toasts to Stevens’s achievement by all who were gathered. Congratulations, Steven!

Pictures of the defense and defender are included below, thanks to Matt Wagers and Kelsey Kraus (PhD ’18).

A selection of those gathered to view Steven's defense.

A selection of those gathered to view Steven’s defense, including Dr. Foley himself (3,4 and 5,4), many UCSC faculty and grads, and other colleagues and family.

Dr. Foley, immediately following his successful defense.

Dr. Foley, immediately following his successful defense.

A dissertation cake for Dr. Foley, "Georgian Peach Split Er-gâteau with Date-ive Glaze Marking", prepared by Kelsey Kraus (PhD '18). Almond cake with fresh peach filling and date buttercream, with fondant cutout of the state of Georgia, split, and painted with the flag of the country of Georgia.

A dissertation cake for Dr. Foley, “Georgian Peach Split Er-gâteau with Date-ive Glaze Marking”, prepared by Kelsey Kraus (PhD ’18). Almond cake with fresh peach filling and date buttercream, with fondant cutout of the state of Georgia, split, and painted with the flag of the country of Georgia.


Recent Linguistics BA and frequent RA Melanie Esver is beginning a Speech Language Pathology program at University of Colorado Boulder this August. She writes:
“I wanted to do this program because it sets you up directly for clinical practice, and offers a three year track to complete the requirements for the program. I think the UCSC linguistics department set me up really well with classes and with the research work I did as an RA. The CU program has labs solely for toddler/children development speech, so this was also a good fit with my experience teaching in a preschool. I hope I will get to do more research during the program, and continue on afterward to work with toddlers and younger children who need speech therapy.”
Congratulations, Melanie!


The department invites the UCSC Linguistics community, faculty, emeriti, and graduate students to the End of Year Celebration for our graduating students in the Linguistics department! We welcome family members of graduating students as well.

The event will be held on Thursday, June 11th from 11am-12pm, and will include a live presentation celebrating all 2019-20 graduates, followed by a chance to socialize with professors, TAs, staff and classmates in separate Zoom spaces. Stay tuned for more details, and the Zoom link.

The presentation will also be recorded for those who can not attend. We will soon have a celebratory page on our website, as well.Linguistics End-of-Year Celebration 2020. Recognition of Graduates + Tokens of our appreciation and slideshow. The Last Office Hour: Hang out with your friends, TAs, profs, and staff.


Congratulations to the following graduating seniors for earning departmental honors!

Language Studies
Departmental Honors:
Helen Wuellner (Language Studies, French)

Jenica Hierman
Haley Logan
Diana Martinez
Julianna Sonkoly

Highest Honors:
Max Tarlov


Margaret Kroll will defend her dissertation entitled, “Comprehending Ellipsis,” this Tuesday, June 2nd, at 5:00 PM, via Zoom.

A link and password for attendance will be made available beforehand. Attendees outside of UCSC are welcome to contact Maria Zimmer to request the link.

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