The Department of Linguistics & Philosophy at MIT invites applications for a tenure-track position at the assistant professor level, starting September 1, 2008. The appointment will be made in the area of syntax or semantics. A simultaneous research and teaching interest in the other area is a strong plus. Also desirable is work on morphology, fieldwork on underdescribed languages, or research using experimental methods. For the details, go here. The application deadline is December 1, 2007.


The Department of Linguistics at Stanford University announces a a full-time tenure-track position at the assistant professor level (starting date: September 1, 2008), as one in a series of anticipated appointments. Applications are invited in any area of linguistics. The department particularly values research which integrates insights from different subfields of linguistics and from other disciplines, bringing a variety of types of evidence to bear on the development of theories of language and language use. For further details, go here.


The Professional Services group of Nuance Communications, a speech recognition firm, has advertised a position for a design engineer. Among the credentials required are: (a) a B.S. or equivalent experience in human factors engineering, product interface design, cognitive science, experimental psychology, or technical writing, and (b) either a Master’s degree in Human Factors/CHI, technical writing, or 2+ years of industry experience in user-centered design or data analysis. For the details, go here.

Summer 2007

Whasc is taking a break for the summer. When we return to weekly updates in September, the department will have returned to its traditional home in Stevenson College (retrofitted, refurbished and upgraded) . We will be welcoming 9 new students to the graduate program and two new visiting faculty colleagues—Shai Cohen (currently completing his PhD dissertation at Umass Amherst) and James Isaacs (currently completing his PhD dissertation at UC Santa Cruz). All is not entirely quiet for the summer. Pete Alrenga will defend his doctoral dissertation on August 10th, as will James Isaacs on August 13th.

Meanwhile, the two new positions that the department plans to fill in the coming academic year have been advertised, and we welcome back our colleagues Junko Ito and Armin Mester, who will be returning in early July from a year-long sabbatical in Japan .

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