Another successful LASC

On March 10, the Department hosted its annual Linguistics at Santa Cruz (LASC) conference, attended by prospective graduate students and current students, faculty and alumni. The program included presentations by several graduate students and alumnus Rodrigo Gutiérrez Bravo, now Professor at El Colegio de México.

The student presentations showcased recent research going on in the department, and sparked lively and insightful discussion during the Q & A:

  • Jonathan Paramore led off the presentations with a talk on “Covert URs: evidence from Pakistani Punjabi”
  • Yaqing Cao followed with a talk on “Scope reconstruction in head movements as featural Valuations”
  • Matthew Kogan and Niko Webster presented a talk entitled “Subject islands are not reducible to discourse function”

The Distinguished Alumnus speaker was Professor Rodrigo Gutiérrez Bravo, who gave a talk entitled “Not in the complementizer system: Information Structure features in Spanish clefts and pseudo-clefts”, where he argued that structures which have a position that can show multiple informational properties can be particularly insightful for understanding the interaction between information structure and syntax.

The LASC dinner and celebration that followed at the Cowell Provost House featured delightful conversations, excellent food, and stunning views of the forest and ocean.

Thank you to all of the students, staff, and faculty who contributed to making this event a success!

Alumni Interview with Lisa Hofmann

Lisa Hofmann and Adrian Brasoveanu

The WHASC Editors recently got a chance to catch up with Lisa Hofmann, who received her PhD from the department in 2022. Her dissertation, advised by Professor Adrian Brasoveanu, was entitled “Anaphora and Negation“. Since graduating, Lisa has been a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of English Linguistics at the University of Stuttgart, working with Professor Judith Tonhauser’s group, where Lisa continues to pursue her research on issues related to formal semantics, pragmatics, syntax, and psycholinguistics.

What is your research about?

Recently, I published an article in Semantics and Pragmatics about how pronominal anaphora is constrained by negation and non-veridical operators. That work grew out of my dissertation, which investigated the interaction of Anaphora and Negation, and how anaphoric dependencies are interpreted in hypothetical and counterfactual discourse.

Expanding on the themes of my dissertation, I investigate how discourse dependencies—things like anaphora, presupposition, and ellipsis—interact with logical properties of linguistic expressions. I hope that this can contribute to better understanding how language users combine multiple sources of information—situational context, prior discourse, literal content—into a single representation of meaning.

Can you share a bit about your journey from UCSC to your current position at the University of Stuttgart?

When I graduated from UC Santa Cruz in early 2022, I had already been living in Germany since mid-2020. The move let me be closer to family during the pandemic and escape the Santa Cruz rent burden, but it also meant I had fewer day-to-day touchpoints with the UCSC environment. Finishing my degree remotely, I almost decided not to apply for academic positions at all—I kept hearing about how tough the academic job market was, and the uncertainty of the pandemic made it hard to see a path forward.

It was a former mentor, Daniel Altshuler, who reignited my motivation by advertising a postdoc position at Oxford. This one excited me, because I had a personal connection, and I like his work on discourse interpretation. Although I didn’t get that post (it was a much better match for fellow UCSC alumn Kelsey Sasaki), the process got me back in the right mindset: I realized I did still love doing research, and it was worth a shot. From there, I applied to a few more postdocs. I was rejected in Singapore but ended up receiving an offer from the University of Stuttgart to work with Judith Tonhauser, where I am very happy now.

When applying to postdoc positions, I think it really helps to look for that spark of excitement—whether it’s a personal connection to someone whose work you already admire, which motivated me to apply to Daniel Altshuler’s position, or a strong alignment of research goals, like I found in Stuttgart. Judith Tonhauser is an exceptional mentor, open to a wide range of theoretical and methodological approaches. This fits perfectly with my interest in bridging formal semantics and experimental work, and helped me to bring my research on discourse interpretation to the next level.

What new research projects have you started since graduating?

Collaborating with Judith Tonhauser, who is an expert on experimental research on presuppositions, has been the perfect opportunity to investigate the logic of discourse interpretation in new ways. In one experimental project with her and Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, we investigated how the presupposed content of clause-embedding predicates (like discover or know) behaves under different entailment-canceling operators (negation, questions, conditionals…). Our findings were fascinating: the differences between these predicates shifted when testing them in these different contexts. These results challenge standard accounts and might push us to refine how we represent the interplay between lexical semantics, sentential operators, and pragmatic inference.

It’s a subtle phenomenon, but experimentally uncovering the nuances helps us see how grammar and pragmatics work together to guide interpretation. For example, it helped me with my goal—rooted in my dissertation on anaphora and negation—to develop a formally rigorous model of presupposition projection in counterfactual discourse. There were certain logical issues which I was only able to address by incorporating insights from empirical work showing subtle pragmatic modulation. Specifically, integrating QUD-partitions of context sets gave me a basic mechanism that finally worked. While there is still much to figure out in capturing the nuances more accurately, this research contributes to a more unified theory of how our linguistic knowledge interacts with broader pragmatic reasoning.

Where do you see your research heading in the future?

I have begun thinking more seriously about how formal semantic theories of discourse interpretation (like dynamic semantics) connect with cognitively plausible models of mental meaning representations. My doctoral advisor, Adrian Brasoveanu, has led the way by embedding formal theories in cognitive architectures such as ACT-R and using Bayesian methods to fit those models to psycholinguistic data. My hope is to keep bridging those theoretical and empirical approaches so that our theories of meaning can be both mathematically explicit and deeply informed by how people actually process language.

I recently began collaborating with Morwenna Hoeks, another fellow UCSC alumn, who is a psycholinguist and semanticist. We humans handle referents in hypothetical or counterfactual discourse. For example, if we say something like “Mary doesn’t have a dog, so at least she doesn’t have to walk it,” do we temporarily imagine a dog anyway when we process that pronoun it? We’re hoping to run experimental studies that tie directly into dynamic semantic models, testing how quickly people update their mental representation of discourse as soon as they hit a negation or hypothetical cue.

What advice would you give to current UCSC graduate students aspiring to enter academia or pursue similar career paths?

First, be sure you truly want it. Academic life is really special and can be incredibly rewarding: we’re paid to research what fascinates us, teach bright students, and we get to exchange ideas with brilliant and interesting colleagues from all over the world. But it isn’t always as romantic as it sounds: it’s highly competitive, can be isolating, and the stress around funding and publication demands can be emotionally draining. If you’re confident you love the work, that can really help sustain you.

Second, you may have heard this many times, but, learn to say no. Receiving requests and invitations can be very flattering, especially in early career stages. But it’s important to insist on clear communication about what exactly is requested of you, and to pause and double check with yourself if you actually have capacities, and whether you see some benefit or obligation there.

Finally, if you’re considering working in another country, look into the administrative rules early. When I started my job in Germany, I learned that the pay level was based on how many years I had already worked in a qualified role, since earning an MA degree. I hadn’t previously fully sorted my MA paperwork because I was focused on my PhD, so I had to do some scrambling to prove that I had fulfilled those requirements. More broadly, it taught me to reach out to people already in the system—colleagues can offer invaluable tips about contract lengths, salary scales, and other quirks that you’d otherwise find out too late.

Banana Slugs at Tromsø Workshop on Phonological Domains

From right to left: Junko Ito, Nick Kalivoda, Martin Krämer, Peter Svenonius, Maya Wax Cavarello, Armin Mester

On March 13–14, a group of Santa Cruz linguists participated in the workshop Exploring Boundaries: Phonological Domains in the Languages of the World, held at the Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø—the northernmost university in the world.

Professor Junko Ito and Professor Armin Mester gave a talk entitled “Prosodic Windows as Tonal Domains: The Case of Kagoshima Japanese”.

Current PhD student Maya Wax Cavallaro presented her work titled “Evidence for the Syllable in Domain Generalization”.

Junko, Armin, and Maya also reconnected with Martin Krämer (UCSC LRC Research Associate, 2015), now Professor in the Department of Language and Culture at UiT and a co-organizer of the workshop; Nick Kalivoda (PhD 2018), who presented on “Linear and Structural (A)symmetries in Syntax-Prosody Mapping”; and Peter Svenonius (PhD 1994), now Professor in the Department of Language and Culture at UiT, who presented on “Words, Phrases, and the ‘Accentual Complex’ in Iron Ossetic” (joint work with Patrik Bye). 

Mia Gong at Tu+ 10

Mia Gong at Tu+10

Duygu Demiray presenting their poster

In early March, Professor Mia Gong attended the 10th Workshop on Turkic and Languages in Contact with Turkic (Tu+ 10) at the University of Southern California, where she delivered two talks, “Specification of D Derives Variation in Relative Clauses” (with Eszter Ótott-Kovács), and “Central Asian Turkic and Khalkha past tense systems arose through balanced Turkic-Mongolic contact” (with Joshua Sims and Jonathan Washington).

While at the conference, Mia also reconnected with UCSC alum Duygu Demiray (MA 2024, now a PhD student at UMass Amherst), who presented their joint project with Professor Matt Wagers “Processing covert dependencies: A study on Turkish wh-in-situ”. 

John Rickford’s Autobiographical Essay Published in Annual Review of Linguistics

Professor John Rickford

The Annual Review of Linguistics has published an autobiographical article by Professor John Rickford, tracing his decades-long career in linguistics. The essay begins with a brief account of Professor Rickford’s time as an undergraduate student at UC Santa Cruz, and delves into his research and professional journey across multiple institutions, including the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Guyana, and Stanford University. The essay also discusses “Activist Sociolinguistics,” with reflections on the development of sociolinguistics and the role of linguistic research in social justice.

Abstract: My autobiographical essay begins with a brief section on my high school experience, then goes into more substantive detail about my research and publications over the past 55 years at the universities I attended (University of California, Santa Cruz; University of Pennsylvania) or at which I worked (University of Guyana, Stanford University) and since I retired in 2019. I mention my key mentors and influencers, including Roger Keesing, J. Herman Blake, Robert Le Page, and William Labov. And I identify some of the foci of my research over the years, including vowel laxing in Guyanese personal pronouns, prior creolization in the history of African American Vernacular English (AAVE), the Ebonics controversy, stylistic variation in sociolinguistics, quotative , and racial disparities in automated speech recognition. Finally, I focus on “Activist Sociolinguistics,” including fighting for increased success for AAVE and other vernacular speakers in schools and for increased justice for them in the courtroom.

Read the full-length article here: [link]

Alum interview: Morwenna Hoeks

Morwenna Hoeks

Morwenna Hoeks

Morwenna Hoeks received her PhD in 2023, with a dissertation entitled “Comprehending focus / representing contrast”, co-advised by Professors Amanda Rysling and Maziar Toosarvandani. Since then, she has been a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Cognitive Science at the University of Osnabrück. Morwenna was also the recipient in 2024 of a prestigious Humboldt Research Fellowship.

The WHASC Editors recently asked Morwenna a couple questions about how postdoc life in Germany has been going:

Can you share a bit about your journey from UCSC to your current position at the University of Osnabrück? 

My journey to the University of Osnabruck started quite a while ago, in summer 2022, when a postdoc position in Prof. Dr. Nicole Gotzner’s lab was advertised. I was still working on my dissertation then, on the processing of focus and alternative sets, and I wasn’t really ready to move on just yet. But the research at this lab was very much related to my own, and would be a natural extension of the work I was doing back then, so I decided to apply anyway. Unfortunately I did not get that first position, but Nicole Gotzner decided to support me in applying for a fellowship that could still fund a position for me at the University of Osnabrück through third-party funding. This was a perfect opportunity for me, as it gave me a bit more time to wrap up my work at UCSC, and also gave me valuable experience writing grant applications like these. In summer 2023, almost exactly a year later, I therefore ended up applying to one of the Alexander von Humboldt Fellowships. The grant application ended up being successful and I will start this fellowship this summer. In the meantime,  the University of Osnabrück has already been able to fund my stay since February 2024.

So you recently received a prestigious Humboldt Fellowship—congratulations! What will that fellowship support, and how do you envision it shaping your research moving forward?

The grant allows me to stay at the Institute of Cognitive Science, at the University of Osnabrück, to work with Prof. Dr. Nicole Gotzner on the connection between focus and scalar implicature. In a nutshell, the project will basically be an extension of the line of work I started at UCSC on focus and alternative set processing, but here I will widening up the empirical terrain by comparing the alternatives involved in focus with those involved in scalar implicature. Theoretically, there are many open questions about potential differences and commonalities between the alternatives involved in the interpretation of focus and the generation of scalar implicatures, and how scales of various kinds play a role in each of them. Here, I will try to get at these questions by running a series of offline and on-line experiments that compare the processing profile of focus and scalar implicature, with the larger goal of uncovering these potential commonalities (or asymmetries) between the two phenomena. Specifically, the project will use information about the time-course of comprehenders’ reasoning about focus and SI alternatives as a window into both the semantic representations, as well as the underlying cognitive mechanisms that comprehenders use to reason about the relevant alternatives. This was exactly the kind of work I always wanted to be doing: using experimental methods to bridge the gap between semantic theory and psycholinguistics. 

Reflecting on your transition from graduate student to a postdoc, what were some of the challenges you faced, and how did you navigate them?

The transition from graduate student to postdoc has been a gradual process for me, with some notable challenges along the way. One of the initial hurdles was fully embracing the reality that I had earned my PhD—it took a little time for that accomplishment to truly resonate, and I still have a lot of imposter syndrome. Then there are inherent challenges that come with doing a postdoc: it’s another temporary stay in another country, speaking yet another language, but this time without the support of a graduate community. For me, this meant adapting to a new academic culture with an entirely new set of written and unwritten rules, which has been quite a learning experience. Navigating this has involved a bit of relying (and extending) my existing network, but mostly just asking stupid questions.

Based on your experiences, do you have any advice for current students as they prepare for the next steps in their careers?

I don’t think I have any advice that is not incredibly cheesy and current students will actually want to hear. But in the above, I think that there are two pieces of advice that are most obvious: The first one is that it has worked out well for me to start applying to things earlier rather than later—probably a bit earlier than I truly felt comfortable to. Although there were many struggles along the way and there wasn’t always necessarily a clear path forward, the fact that I bought myself so much time by starting early did really pay off in the end. The second one is the realization of how important it is to invest in the community, at UCSC and beyond. Postdoc life (and I’m sure, faculty life, too, in some cases) can be quite isolating from time to time, and as may be clear from the above, I have really missed having the UCSC Linguistics community around quite a bit. I don’t think we fully realize this as graduate students until we actually leave (at least I didn’t), but it’s quite exceptional to have so many people around to talk to on a daily basis. As a student, the amount of activities and commitments can be quite overwhelming, but right now it has been really great to have a network of UCSC alumni to draw from. So see it as an investment, and enjoy it while it lasts 🙂


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