On Saturday Sept. 24, the Department hosted the first meeting of PHREND (Phonology/Phonetics Research Weekend), an informal phonology/phonetics workshop of the three departments in the Bay Area (Berkeley, Santa Cruz, and Stanford). PHREND 1 was very well attended, with 12 participants from Berkeley, 3 from Stanford, 20 Santa Cruzers, and alum Eric Bakovic from UC San Diego as a surprise visitor. The meeting was an all-around success thanks to a series of fascinating papers, including ones by our own Grant McGuire and grad students Jeff Adler and Nick Kalivoda. Thanks to Nick for the superb organization as well. Stay tuned for Berkeley’s PHREND 2 in Spring 2017!


Just before the new academic year opened (September 16th and 17th), our neighbors in the Department of Linguistics at Stanford University hosted a Workshop on the Status of Head Movement in Linguistic Theory. The workshop, which was organized by alums Vera Gribanova and Boris Harizanov, engaged some of the difficult questions surrounding head movement and the phenomena it describes in the contemporary theoretical landscape. Among the presenters were Vera and Boris, Jim McCloskey, and MA alumnus Nick LaCara. Nick had just successfully defended his dissertation Inversion, Focus, and Ellipsis at Amherst and now holds a teaching position there.


At the end of July 2016, a workshop on interactions between syntax and prosody took place at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Organized principally by Lisa Selkirk and Emily Elfner, the workshop (The Effects of Constituency on Sentence Prosody) grew out of (and was funded by) the NSF project ‘The effects of constituency on the phonology and phonetics of tone’ of which Selkirk is the PI, with collaborators Gorka Elordieta, Seunghun Lee, and Elfner.

Several Santa Cruzers spoke, converging on Northampton from around the globe. Junko Ito and Armin Mester, arriving from Tokyo, gave a presentation on the implications of certain interactions between syntax and prosody in English; Nick Kalivoda, coming from Sweden, presented a poster on his ongoing research developing a command-based alternative to Match Theory. Jim McCloskey (on his way back from Ireland to California) succeeded in driving a rented car from Logan airport into the depths of rural Massachusetts in order to participate in the event. Also attending was alum Ryan Bennett. The program (along with other information about the event) is available here.


The 47th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 47) will take place at the University of Massachusetts Amherst on October 14th – 16th, and Santa Cruzers will have a strong presence at the meeting:

New faculty member Ivy Sichel will present a paper on Extraction from Relative Clauses; and visiting professor Brian Smith will give a joint paper (with Claire Moore-Cantwell) on Emergent Idiosyncracy in English Comparatives.

Among the grad student presenters are Deniz Rudin and Margaret Kroll, who will present a paper growing out of their participation in Pranav Anand and Jim McCloskey’s ellipsis project: Licensing and Interpretation: A Comprehensive Theory of Sluicing, and Jeff Adler, who will present a joint paper with Jesse Zymet of UCLA on Irreducible Parallelism in Process Interactions.

Graduate alums Matt Tucker, of Oakland University and Erik Potsdam, of the University of Florida, along with undergrad alum Shayne Sloggett of UMass Amherst are also in the lineup.

The entire NELS program is available here.


You might want to check out a recent paper in Language 92.3 (09/2016, 192-204) by alum Nathan Sanders (PhD 2003): Constructed languages in the classroom. Here is an abstract:

Constructed languages (purposefully invented languages like Esperanto and Klingon) have long captured the human imagination. They can also be used as pedagogical tools in the linguistics classroom to enhance how certain aspects of linguistics are taught and to broaden the appeal of linguistics as a field. In this article, I discuss the history and nature of constructed languages and describe various ways I have successfully brought them into use in the classroom. I conclude from the results of my courses that linguists should take a closer look at how they might benefit from similarly enlisting this often criticized hobby into more mainstream use in the linguistics classroom.


Alum Justin Nuger (Ph.D. 2010) reports that a revised version of his dissertation was recently published by Springer in their Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory series. The title is Building Predicates, and here is a short abstract:

This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the processes involved in word formation and the morphosyntax of predication that will appeal to anyone interested in formal syntactic and morphological theory. The data is drawn primarily from the Austronesian language Palauan, spoken in Micronesia and smaller communities elsewhere. The thesis is that words in Palauan are not drawn directly from a mental lexicon, but are instead composed at least partially via operations in the syntax. Using original data from syntactic constructions not previously explored in the language, the author entertains several competing theories of word formation and highlights the compatible and incompatible aspects of each.

You can check out the book on Springer here. Justin mentions that it is very rewarding to see all that work (and especially the Palauan data) in print, and he again would like to thank his committee for their support during the project: Judith Aissen, Sandy Chung, Jim McCloskey, and Kie Zuraw.


Amy Lombardi, who graduated from UCSC in 1995 but has been continuing her education the last couple years with linguistics classes, recently received news that she was accepted into the PhD program in linguistics at UC Davis, as well as the PhD program in education. She sent in a report about making the tough decision between the two programs:

Once Linguistics accepted me, and I had a chance to go to campus and talk to people in both departments, I decided to go with Linguistics. It’s really a hybrid program anyway, which is exactly what I want. I can switch off by quarter between teaching my own classes in the university writing program and TAing linguistics courses, depending on what’s being offered, how much responsibility I want, etc. My advisor is awesome, a perfect fit for me both in terms of research areas and personality. So I think I can hit the ground running.

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