Undergrads and Grads: Opening for Linguist in Fluential
Curious about what it’s like to use your linguistic background in a language tech start up?
Fluential, a silicon valley language tech company working on spoken dialogue systems and speech to speech translation, has an immediate opening for a linguist. The linguist will work on a variety of activities including but not limited to: analyzing conversational data, building linguistic resources for interactive dialogue systems and/or speech to speech translation systems, testing systems, assisting with data collection and assisting with advance research efforts.
The position is part time with a flexible schedule. Candidates should have an interest in Computational Linguistics, good problem solving and analytical skills, be eager to learn and be able to be practical. Candidates should have a linguistics background covering syntax, semantics and pragmatics and phonology. We would be most interested in an undergraduate student who has completed all or some of the upper level core semantics, syntax and phonology requirements or a graduate student with appropriately broad interests and experience. Any programming or scripting experience would be a plus.
Initially, the linguist will work directly with the Director of Computational Linguistics, Beth Ann Hockey, a former Adjunct Professor in the department. Those interested should contact her at bahockey@fluentialinc.com.