Grant McGuire Conference Hopping

Grant McGuire will be presenting a poster entitled “Sub-phonemic correlates of gender and regional identity in California” at the upcoming Acoustical Society Meeting in San Diego (Oct. 31 – Nov. 4). This work is done in collaboration with alumna Angela Aiello (MA 2009), alumnae Jackie DeLeon, Lauren Negrete, Alice Nicholls, Kasondra Vanpykeren-Gerth (all BAs 2011), and current undergraduate Tariq El-Gabalawy.

Grant will also present a paper, along with recent graduate Joseph King (BA 2011), Molly Babel (Asst. Professor at University of British Columbia), and Alyssa Satterwhite (BA University of British Columbia, 2011), called “Vocal aesthetics, stereotypicality, and prototypicality” at the upcoming 40th annual New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV) conference at Georgetown University, Oct 28th – 30th.

Jorge Hankamer elected a Fellow of the LSA

The Linguistic Society of America announced that Jorge Hankamer has been elected a Fellow of the Society. Jorge will be inducted, with other members of the 2012 class, in a ceremony which will take place during the LSA’s annual Business Meeting on Friday, January 6 at 5:30 pm, during the society’s Winter Meeting in Portland, Oregon.

A small class of Fellows (no more than 5% of the society’s membership) is elected each year in recognition of distinguished contributions to the discipline.

With Jorge’s election, the number of faculty members in the department to have been so honored rises to six (including 2 emeriti/ae). In addition to Jorge, Judith Aissen, Sandy Chung, Bill Ladusaw, Jim McCloskey, and Geoff Pullum are all LSA Fellows.

UCSC at the LSA

The preliminary program of the Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, to be held January 5-8, 2012, in Portland, Oregon, has now been posted. WHASC’s first reading of it reveals an unusually hefty UCSC presence. Among those delivering papers are grad students Ryan Bennett, Nick Deschenes, and Matt Tucker, and faculty members Amy Rose Deal, Wendell Kimper, and Geoffrey Pullum (emeritus). Bill Ladusaw will be the discussant on a panel about the undergraduate major in Linguistics. Grad student Robert Henderson will present a joint poster with alum Scott AnderBois (Ph.D. 2011, now University of Connecticut). Many other alums will be presenting papers, including Ph.D. alums Pete Alrenga (Boston University), Vera Gribanova (Stanford), Chris Kennedy (Chicago), Ruth Kramer (Georgetown), Vera Lee-Schoenfeld (University of Georgia), Anya Lunden (University of Georgia), Jason Merchant (Chicago), and Rachel Walker (USC), as well as B.A. alums Joseph Sabbagh (University of Texas, Arlington) and Mark Sicoli (University of Alaska, Fairbanks). On Friday evening, Jorge Hankamer will be inducted as a member of the 2012 class of LSA Fellows. On Saturday evening, the Presidential address will be delivered by Sandy Chung, Manuel F. Borja, and Matt Wagers.

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