Judith Aissen and Scott Anderbois in Texas

Judith Aissen and Scott AnderBois (PhD 2011, currently Assistant Professor in Residence at the University of Connecticut) were in Austin, TX last weekend to participate in the fifth CILLA (Conference on Indigenous Languages of Latin America). Judith spoke on passive and agent focus in Tzotzil (“El pasivo y el enfoque de agente en tzotzil”), Scott on attitude reports in Yucatec Mayan (“Las atribuciones actitudinales en maya yucateco: Sintaxis y semántica”). High points of the conference included a keynote by Roberto Zavala (LRC visitor in Spring 2006), reporting on a newly discovered Zoquean language spoken in Chiapas, Mexico (Jitolteco), and one by Frank Seifart (MPI, Leipzig) on Manguaré, communication by drums among the Bora of the Amazons. CILLA is held every two years, always at UT. Spanish is the preferred language for the conference, with English and Portugese as alternatives.

Jim McCloskey Gives Plenary Lecture at Congress of Celtic Studies

Between August 1st and August 5th this summer, the National University of Ireland, Maynooth hosted the 14th International Congress of Celtic Studies, a global gathering of researchers in various disciplines concerned with Celtic Studies. The Congress takes place every four years. Jim McCloskey gave the first plenary lecture at this year’s Congress and used the occasion to present his joint work on syntax and prosody with Ryan Bennett of UCSC and Emily Elfner of UMass.

Also Presenting…

At the same conference, on Friday August 5th, Jaye Padgett and Máire Ní Chiosáin of University College Dublin presented Irish Palatalization: an Ultrasound Study, a report on their collaborative ultrasound project with Ryan Bennett and Grant McGuire.

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