Jim McCloskey’s Further Travels

Just as the summer ended, Jim McCloskey travelled first to the University of Tromsø in northern Norway to take part in a thesis defense on September 15th and a
Workshop on Agreement on September 16th, then on to Paris to take part in a Workshop on Impersonal Pronouns at CNRS Pouchet on September 20th and to give an invited talk at CSSP 2011, held at Université Paris 8 in St. Denis. In Tromsø, Jim had a chance to re-connect with alumnus Peter Svenonius, who is Professor and Senior Researcher at CASTL, and in Paris with alumnus Eric Potsdam of the University of Florida, who gave a paper at CSSP on the syntax of comparatives in Malagasy.

MASC Honors Jorge Hankamer

Over the summer, the department, along with SlugPubs, the publishing arm of the graduate student population, and the LRC released a volume dedicated to Professor Jorge Hankamer. The first-ever Morphology at Santa Cruz (MASC) is subtitled Papers in Honor of Jorge Hankamer and contains a collection of papers inspired by Jorge’s Seminar in Morphology held in the fall of 2009. The volume is published entirely online with the UC’s eScholarship initiative and is therefore available online for free.

Additionally, stay tuned for announcements concerning a time and place for a celebration where printed copies of MASC will be available for viewing. Alumni who are interested in attending (and therefore scheduling) this celebration are urged to contact Matt Tucker at matucker (at) ucsc (dot) edu.

Adrian Brasoveanu Gives Talk in Utrecht and UCLA

Adrian Brasoveanu attended the Sinn und Bedeutung conference in Utrecht this month, presenting two talks co-authored with other members of our department:

  • Polarity particles and the anatomy of negative quantifiers
    Adrian Brasoveanu, Donka Farkas & Floris Roelofsen
  • The Pragmatics of Quantifier Scope: A Corpus Study
    Scott Anderbois, Adrian Brasoveanu & Robert Henderson

Adrian also gave a version of the second talk at a colloquium last Friday at UCLA.

Jaye Padgett Speaks at New York University

Jaye Padgett visited New York University last week, presenting a colloquium talk entitled “Explaining Dispersion Effects”, as well as a presentation to the phonetics lab on his joint work with Ryan Bennett and Grant McGuire on an ultrasound study of Irish palatalization. He and a friend happened upon the David Letterman studio (see photo) Thursday afternoon and joined the waiting list on a whim. They were 56th and 57th on the list, but only 55 waitlisters were let in.

David Letterman

Two Linguistics Research Clusters Funded by IHR

The Institute for Humanities Research recently announced its funded Research Clusters (funded by the UC Humanities Network) for the 2011-2012 year. These include two Linguistics endeavors:

Crosslinguistic Investigations in Syntax-Phonology (CrISP)

  • Sandra Chung, Professor of Linguistics
  • Vera Gribanova, Assistant Professor of Linguistics, Stanford
  • Matthew Wagers, Assistant Professor of Linguistics

Santa Cruz Linguistics and Philosophy Group (SCLP)

  • Adrian Brasoveanu, Assistant Professor of Linguistics
  • Donka Farkas, Professor of Linguistics
  • Jonathan Ellis, Associate Professor of Philosophy

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