Graduate students Anna Greenwood, Jason Ostrove, and Erik Zyman also received the good news this week that they had won summer research awards from the Institute for Humanities Research. Anna won a summer dissertation research award for work towards her thesis on The Role of Channel Bias in Naturalness Effects. Jason’s award will go to support his work with the local Mixtec community on the complex tonal system of that language, work which has both a theoretical component and a practical and community-based component (the development of a viable writing system for this largely unwritten language). Erik’s award will fund his return to the island of Janitzio on Lake Pátzcuaro in the state of Michoacán, Mexico, to continue working with native speakers of P’urhepecha to elucidate aspects of the language’s syntax. In particular, he will be investigating apparent raising to object out of finite clauses in this language and its implications for the theory of movement.