Congratulations to Bern Samko, who was recently awarded a Doctoral Student Sabbatical Fellowship for Fall quarter 2013-14! This fellowship allows the recipient to focus exclusively on research in the named quarter.
A weekly digest of linguistics news and events from the University of California, Santa Cruz
Congratulations to Bern Samko, who was recently awarded a Doctoral Student Sabbatical Fellowship for Fall quarter 2013-14! This fellowship allows the recipient to focus exclusively on research in the named quarter.
Congratulations to the following majors, who were all recently elected to the Phi Beta Kappa Society!
Alyssa Berkins
Cynthia Friedman
Jacob Gimbel
Lila Hunt
Ethan Kelley
Noah Kopito
Shawna Mattison
Matilda Morrison
Nataliya Munishkina
Maura O’Leary
Emma Peoples
Staci Prosser
Kamran Qazi
Amanda Ratto
Lindsay Ress
Emily Saltz
Natalie Schlosser
Anya Thepot
Julia Yeager
Many, many congratulations to Nicholas Primrose, whose senior thesis, “Japanese Numerals and Numeral Quantifiers”, has won the campus-wide Chancellor’s Award! Nicholas already received the Dean’s Undergraduate Award, a Humanities-wide recognition, for this work. Only 15 senior projects from all of UCSC go on to win the Chancellor’s. Congratulations also to Nicholas’s advisor, Jorge Hankamer. Nicholas, Jorge, and the other Chancellor’s awardees and their advisors will be honored at a lunch with Chancellor Blumenthall in June.
We are proud to announce the Spring 2013 graduates who have received honors in the major. Congratulations to Lila Hunt, Chaney Janssen, and Julie Yeager for receiving honors in the Language Studies major. Congratulations to Jacob Gimbel, Emma Peoples, and Jacob Victoria for receiving honors in the Linguistics major. Well done!
Congratulations to Clara Sherley-Appel, who has just received a Summer Research Grant from the Institute for Humanities Research!
The Department is delighted to announce that Linguistics Ph.D. student Oliver Northrup has received an Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award. Only a small number of graduate students across the campus are honored with this award each year. Congratulations, Oliver!
Congratulations to Allan Schwade, who successfully defended his qualifying paper, “An Experimental Investigation of the Perception and Production Accounts of Loanword Adaptation”. The committee members where Adrian Brasoveanu, Armin Mester, and Jaye Padgett (chair). Congratulations also to Matthew Ong, who successfully defended his MA thesis “Strict and Sloppy Reflexives in VP-Ellipsis” His committee consisted of Adrian Brasoveanu (Chair), Pranav Anand, and Matt Wagers.