This past weekend, March 4-6, several slugs transcended their corporeal forms to join the psycholinguistics community for the 34th CUNY Human Sentence Processing Conference, hosted entirely online by UPenn.
Because of the digital format of the conference, all presentations are fully archived, and we invite anyone who missed the conference to take a look below!
Presentations by current members of the department included:
A main session talk by Stephanie Rich on joint work with Matt Wagers, titled “Syntactic and semantic parallelism guides filler-gap processing in coordination.” You can watch it here, beginning at 00:03:00.
A parallel session talk by Jack Duff on joint work with Adrian Brasoveanu and Amanda Rysling, titled “Task influences on lexical underspecification: Insights from the Maze and SPR.” You can view the abstract here.
A parallel session talk by Nick Van Handel on joint work with Lalitha Balachandran, Stephanie Rich, and Amanda Rysling, titled “Singular vs. Plural Themselves: Evidence from the Ambiguity Advantage.” You can view the abstract here.
A parallel session talk by Nick Van Handel on joint work with Matt Wagers and Amanda Rysling, titled “Guiding Implicit Prosody with Delexicalized
Melodies: Evidence from a Match/Mismatch Task.” You can view the abstract here.
A parallel session talk by Morwenna Hoeks on joint work with Maziar Toosarvandani and Amanda Rysling, titled “Decomposing the focus effect: Evidence from reading.” You can view the abstract here.
From next year, The Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing is officially updated as The Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing.