This weekend Ryan Bennett attended CILLA VIII in Austin, TX. He had this to say:

“CILLA VIII brought together specialists on a wide range of indigenous Latin American languages, including languages spoken at the bottom of South America, the top of Mexico, and everywhere in between. I presented on the phonetics and phonology of stop consonants in Kaqchikel, and was very pleased to see friends and colleagues in the room from Mexico, Guatemala, and all over the United States. The diversity and quality of the work presented at the conference was truly impressive: I myself saw top-notch presentations on phonetics, phonology, syntax, morphology, diachrony, and anthropology, almost all of which drew on original fieldwork with indigenous languages of South America and Mesoamerica.

UCSC was well-represented at CILLA: apart from my own presentation, there were talks by UCSC alums Robert Henderson and Scott AnderBois, and UCSC Professor Emerita Judith Aissen was also in attendance. This was my first time participating in CILLA – I cannot believe I waited this long to attend, and will definitely be attending in the future if at all possible.”