From May 17 – 19, many past, present, and future slugs congregated at UCLA for Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 29. A list of presentations is given below:
Margaret Kroll and Amanda Rysling: “The Search for Truth: Appositives Weigh In.”
Jess H.-K. Law: “Independence in Distributivity.”
Tom Roberts: “I can’t believe it’s not lexical: Deriving distributed factivity.”
Morwenna Hoeks and Floris Roelofsen: “Disjoining questions.”
Michela Ippolito and Donka Farkas: “Epistemic stance without epistemic modals: The case of the presumptive future.”
Deniz Rudin: “Embedded Rising Declaratives.”
Deniz Rudin and Andrea Beltrama: “Default agreement with subjective assertions.”
Scott AnderBois: At-issueness in direct quotation: the case of Mayan quotatives.”