In August, the 31st European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI) convened at the University of Latvia in Riga. Many of our own linguists decamped to the Baltics to participate, including PhD students Jack Duff, Lisa Hofmann, Morwenna Hoeks, and Stephanie Rich, and faculty member Maziar Toosarvandani.

More details on their exploits in logic, language and information are given below.

Lisa presented a talk titled “Sentential negativity and Polarity-Sensitive-Anaphora.”

Jack and Morwenna presented posters titled “The locus of commitment: Flipping judges in a commitment-based discourse model” and “The alternatives in disjunctive questions and where they come from.”

Maziar delivered a course titled “Semantics and pragmatics of temporal sequencing,” developed with Pranav Anand (Pranav also contributed to colleague Natasha Korotkova‘s (Konstanz) course “Speech reports”).

Pictured from left are Lisa Hofmann, Maziar Toosarvandani, Morwenna Hoeks, Jack Duff, and Stephanie Rich.

Pictured from left are Lisa Hofmann, Maziar Toosarvandani, Morwenna Hoeks, Jack Duff, and Stephanie Rich.